
Ms. Wakefield has over 27 years of Educational, Legal, and Social Services employment, endeavors, and professional experiences in Child Protection, Dependent Adult, Elder Abuse/Neglect, Foster Care, Human Trafficking, Juvenile Justice, Residential Treatment, Transitioning Youth and Young Adults advocacy, management, and programming within the states of Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, and New Mexico.

Ms. Helen, as her students fondly call her, is an accomplished Educator in K-12, post-secondary, and legal subject matter.

Helen has extensive experience working with diverse youth and families in rural and urban communities.

Created and implemented I.M.A.G.E.S.- Individual Management Achievement Goals Essential Skills-social emotional learning career/personal development program.

Created, implemented, and taught TEEN TRIALS– civic and legal awareness, conflict management and resolution course within communities and schools.

State of Nevada Public Service Commission former Administrative Assistant/Attorney revised Public Utilities Commission Administrative Law Judge.

Suicide Prevention Crisis Hotline Intervention Counselor

State of Nebraska South Sioux City- Diversionary Teen Court Judge.

Ms. Wakefield is a former licensed educator in Chicago Public Schools.

State of Illinois African American Family Commission Co-chair Community Economic Development & Education Committees. (2015-2019)

Certified PCORI (Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute) Ambassador. (2016-Present)

Commission on Aging (Chair) Roswell, New Mexico. (2020-2023)

State of New Mexico Fostering Connections Specialist. (2020-2023)

State of Nebraska Commission on African Americans Initiator/Founder. (LB#918  Signed by Governor August 15, 2020)

Certified Human Rights Consultant & Trainer (August 23, 2021)

Director of federally funded pilot grant to Increase Broadband Internet For All Chaves, Co. Eastern New Mexico University-Roswell Project C-3PO.

Some people do what they do for fame and fortune. Some do what they do as only a career. Some are even called based upon natural skills and talents. However, I was chosen and given a Heavenly Heart for helping hurt people recover from their pain and discover their passion. As a Visionary, I see gaps in operations and systems. As a Consultant, I use my skills and talents to create solutions to fill these gaps. Therefore, overall my successful measurable outcomes make this world a better place for all people.

- Helen


Community gathers for Black History Month celebration
Juneteenth commemorates the end of slavery
Black History Month event celebrates achievements, culture


I.M.A.G.E.S.–Individual Management Achievement Goals Essential Skills– is an innovative career and personal development social-emotional learning program designed to help individuals engage in self-discovery of “Who Am I?” Additionally, 5-Key Steps to Success and a Life Plan are included in the I.M.A.G.E.S. methodology. All components of I.M.A.G.E.S. help in personal and professional development paths to self-awareness. LIVE! LIVE! LIVE!

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Do you have Community, Women, and/or Youth concerns?

We have or can create programs and strategic initiatives to meet your needs.

Our curriculum-based programs and strategic initiatives are used to provide community, women, and youth services to diverse populations in rural and urban cities.

Consultation services are available to businesses (for-profit and non-profit), community members, educational institutions, faith-based organizations, governmental departments, and social services agencies.

Programs and Services are conducted in community, educational, and now virtual settings.

Contact Ms. Helen to discuss Community, Women, and Youth programs and services to meet your needs. Schedule a 15-minute discovery pre-consultation call now.

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I.M.A.G.E.S. Community Recovery Strategic Initiative-ICRI  is a strategic solution to “heal and mend” communities.  ICRI provides the three (3) major missing elements needed to restore and revitalize YOUTH, ECONOMICS, EDUCATION, and FAMILIES (“YEF”).

Border Migrant Children & Families Task Force Initiative (“B.C.F.I.”)– Process and place individuals entering the United States-Mexico border via Investigation, Reunification, and Social Services strategic planning methodology.

C.O.H.V.I.D (COVID-19 Health Vaccine Information Data) Innovative Patient Centered Information Data Collection Identification Methodology Lessens Burden on Communities-at-large, Educators, First Responders, Healthcare Systems, Homeland Security, and Law Enforcement.


State Commissions on African Americans –create legislative commissions by collaborating, developing, drafting, researching, and negotiating legislative bills.

TEEN TRIALS- is a legal awareness program teaching youth ages 11-19 courtroom etiquette, navigation, and understanding of the American Jurisprudence legal system.

*I.M.A.G.E.S.-Individual Management Achievement Goals Essential Skills- is a career and personal development Social Emotional Learning (SEL) based program for individuals interested in discovering their true “Who Am I?” coupled with learning 5-Key Steps to Success. *Suicide Prevention SEL resource.

CHILD PROTECTION– is a parenting course created for biological and foster care parents. This course is designed to provide biological and foster care parents with a layperson understanding of Protective Services, Investigations, and the Juvenile Court process and system.

Think Right-is a program designed to provide teens, young adults, and older aging adults with a mental outline and process of “What To Do?” during a police traffic encounter.

For inquiries contact:

Or call:
(575) 208-4618 or 708-980-3890
Hours for phone are between 8 AM-8 PM (MST)/9 AM-9 PM (CST)

what to expect:

1. Call or Email for a Discovery Call with Helen. In the interest of hearing your request and respecting your valuable time, we make it easy on you. We schedule 15-minute pre-consultation discovery calls, or chat immediately with you when you call, if the time permits, and we return your call the same business day.

2. What to expect in 15-minute Discovery Call. In this pre-consultation call, Helen will discover and discuss your needs with you, and ask the necessary questions to determine what programs and/or services are a good fit.

3. Work with Helen. Based upon the results of a 15-minute pre-consultation discovery call, we will discuss the next steps such as a full 1-hour consultation, fees, and contract for program and/or services.

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